Tuesday, September 16

hi everyone. how are you? i'm at work and finding very little time to look at blogs. i hardly get to check emails at home because i'm so tired! it's good to hear from you though - particularly those who email. Thank you very much - it really encourages me.

life is going ok - i was poorly last week and still have a bit of a cough but nothing too serious. work is getting busier which is better than twidling thumbs but also adds to the adrenalin!

please be praying for the coffee shop - we are aiming at new year's eve for our opening night and there is lots that needs to happen in the time between now and then but all things are possible with God! hooray for that!!

post wabiSABI - does anyone have a back door key for our house? all 3 spare keys went missing over the wabiSABI period and apart from being a waste of money ($5 for each key) it's also a little dangerous until we change locks sometime in the distant furure! let us know if you find one...

bye for now!

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