Sunday, October 8

new look!

got sick of the old one that was falling apart at the seams, so got a new one, and will try and get round to fiddling with it in the future...
its like an outward sign of a personal blogging resurrection, a rebirth, a renaissance if you will.


andy said...

it seems to have lost everyone's comments!

having said that, it kinda make sense as the old comments are done with haloscan....

anyway, its a new blog, so new comments welcome!!

amy said...

I like the new look. And by the way, there are still people on this side of the shore that read your little blog. Me, for one. Nathan, for two. Abigail would count if only she could read.

andy said...

hi there amy!
hows things going over austin way?
a friends just been over in dallas for a business meeting - i recommended him some shiner bock..... he's not really a margarita kinda person!

Ant said...

i miss the old site *sob*

Pete said...

I like the new look, very classy. Reminds me of the cover of that CSNY album.

amy said...

Things on this side of the pond are great, and in regard to beer...we've been VERY into beer lately, and very soon I plan to post my top 10 brews on my blog. So keep an eye out for that so you can agree or dispute as necessary. P.S. Hi to Bea & co.

andy said...

hmmm - i remember you and nathan were never really the beer types - more into the cocktails... whats happened to bring about this conversion?
will be interested to see a top 10 american microbrews!