Sunday, October 20

(andy) well, we have now moved in, beating the time limit set by cathers and tony/gee so we have now won ourselves a free meal out as reward for this feat. good news indeed.
on a slightly more depressing note, we discovered on our first day in the house, whilst unpacking all our belongings, that bea is in fact allergic to our new house! more specifically the cat hair that is in every nook and cranny of the house turning up in clean glasses and even the oven! so the next step would be to get the carpets shampooed, failing that rip em all out. after that, i've no idea.

(bea) a gp friend of ours has dosed me up on every inhhaler possible to get my lungs in order. we still haven't slept in our new house - kipped at the mitchell's last night and we're going to see if some friend's of ours could put up with us for a week or so. this would give us time to de-allergise the house we hope! God's not healed me yet so for all you believers reading this, pray and pray hard!! No room for the enemy in my life...

(andy) this isnt like it is in the movies is it? the newly weds are supposed to move into their house and live happily ever after, not have to sit outside for fear of hospitalising themselves. allergic to your own house? i mean come on...!

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