Monday, November 4

(bea)good morning!

we have had a good weekend but as ever it is monday and i feel really tired. i remember my mum always saying that when the school holidays ended and she had to go back to work she would feel more tired than when they started because her body had got used to resting. i think this is so true because as soon as i slow down it's hard to get the cogs turning more quickly again.

for those who are still interested (!) our house seems to be de-catting. it feels much like home now although weird that we actually own it. i'm suddenly paranoid about people moving furniture up and down stairs because of paint-work getting chipped. this was something my parents used to do so it is confirmed that i am turning into them!!

i am also starting to rectify the template that i trashed! our blog links are back on including some new ones so enjoy looking at those. i need to go now to take notes for one of the coolest students i work with. i am trying to think of note-taking as a craft (following something bryan said when he wasn't quoting the bible at me!!)

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