Thursday, January 30

hello everyone. i am at work and the lecture i was just in was so intense that for the last 5 minutes i've had shooting pains up my right arm. andy thinks this is exciting but i don't!

today is very sunny and VERY windy. freezing infact but not as cold as the outskirts of london where our friend nick is experiencing a snow storm. now that is exciting!

for those of you aware of the blogging war that parkins has instigated, it would seem that ant is cheating somewhat by creating blogging accounts for his 9 month old son ben and also for his cat, called will. now, in some ways this wouldn't be too much of a problem if will was left to clamber over the keyboard and ben was permitted to drool and bounce his posts into fruition but the fact that ant is writing for them is downright against the unwritten rules.

a little joke for you all that phil king told andy whilst at university:

a man walks into a fish and chip shop and is perusing the menu. the girl behind the counter says to him, "would you like a battered sausage?" and he replies, "not unless you want a slapped fanny." boom boom!

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