Wednesday, October 15

today is viv's birthday - she'll be shaving her head for a charity called TOSTAN who educate and support cultures where they practise Female Genital Cutting (FGC). we gave viv a bible for her birthday (as had been requested) - it is a perfect size for carrying in a bag but is still substantial enough to bash people over the head with. viv is going to be reading it alongside the koran - you can read about her thoughts and ponderings at her new blog.

last night andy and i were at the finalists prize giving dinner for the enterprise challenge we've been a part of. unfortunately we were'nt in the running for a prize because we were unable to attend the presentation assessment due to me breaking down. it was weird being there because we suddenly realised that this event was a big thing! they had dr. alan hart-davis as speaker who is off the tv and there were 150 people at the dinner, only 12 of whom were actually finalists. suddenly felt quite proud of ourselves.

it was great hanging with derek, amy and drew the other night - it has really refreshed andy and i in terms of having energy to keep going with coffee shop stuff and church stuff. we're asking God to teach us practical warfare - andy and i are seeking to find out more about our identity in heaven - it's been suggested that at the heart of it all, i'm a worshipper and andy is a teacher.

hey shannon - keep meaning to ring but am either too tired or i forget. the intention is there and thank you for ringing us. a real blessing. by the way shannon, you'll be pleased to hear that the neighbours may not be sleeping as well as they used to. i think there is potential for them to be woken up at least twice a week, sometimes more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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