Wednesday, December 3

xmas is coming...

a ha - so i see my employer has followed suit and "christmased" up his blog too.

like most commercial websites out there now. good to see we're all getting in the mood for it all. just wait till it really starts snowing!

just a reminder, theres a ceilidh coming up this friday - theres even more coming now (but a bloke or two would be nice!) - if you want to, email/ phone/ text/ see me about it - it'll be a great laugh - highly recommended!

oh - the other thing - i'm going to a murder mystery party at our neighbours house on the 13th (or something around there) and i'm going as may vest, some glamour puss wearing a long velvety ball dress. obviously i dont own one of these, but am appealing to any tallish girls out there with one they dont mind lending it to me for the evening.

and i promise there'll be photos on the blog afterwards!!!!!!!!!22 (!!)

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