Sunday, February 4

kids say the coolest things!

this morning i was telling robin that we are going on hliday at the end of february. i asked him if he remembered our holiday last year - this was the conversation:

bea: robin, we're going on holiday soon.

robin: oh, yes...

bea: do you remember where we went on holiday in the summer?

robin: oh, yes...

bea: where did we go?

robin: to see a star on the spaceship.

how cool is that!! i would love to live in his world sometimes and know how he thinks and what he thinks about. if i could transfer into his world i would first reset his body clock as the 5am wake ups are really starting to wear us down. they've been happening for nearly 3 weeks now i think.

generally good here - pond was frozen over this morning which i think is the first time this winter and the council have been gritting the roads. living in sheffield with all it's hills means the council come out to grip if there is even a slight hint that the temperature might hit freezing, but exciting none the less.

last night we saw 'casino royale' at the cinema. oh, it was sooo good. i know it's been out ages but it felt rally special going to the cinema ona saturday night and as i couldn't eat half the snacks available i managed to wolf down a regular pack of salt and vinegar pringles before the film even started!!

1 comment:

Henna Hippie Mama said...

Kids are so funny! I'm glad you are well, hope your business takes off and creates happiness for you.