Thursday, February 27

bea's still ill, but no nose bleeds recently. well, not since tuesday.

i've just had quite an odd experience - i was down to do some practice exam scribing for someone so they know what sort of thing to expect when it comes to the actual exam and it was kinda left to me to explain the procedure, what'll happen. it was as if i was expected to use my experience of something to explain things to someone, as though i was part of the student services team - it was really wierd - is this proffesional responsability?! it feels strange.... not entirely bad but also quite scary too.... what if i got something wrong?...!

on a lighter note, we had an excellent night at abigails last night - bea thinks i should be an actor as i like getting into role at these sort of things. no chance of that. anyway, photos to follow soon enough. and some very good performances by people, although i'm not sure dan&jason have done their "hugsforsale" business much good.

just need to go and write my intro speech for fight club tomorrow .

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