Wednesday, November 19


There’s something sinister going on here.

In the metro yesterday or the day before there was an article about W Bush coming to England. He was coming over obviously to a load of protest against him and his policies about the war etc. meanwhile he was saying how great it is that England is able to have free speech (even though that free speech was very much opposing him), and yet at the same time he’s asking for central London to be closed off to make it harder for protesters to disrupt things.

Whilst I'm pretty anti-antiwar at the mo – most of the antiwar stuff does my head in (read the last post on matt p’s blog from the telegraph for why), the thought going thru my head is the way outwardly these powers say they’re all for free speech, democracy, equality, human rights, etc and yet when it comes to it, they’d rather keep dissenting voices silent.

Sound similar to anything else? But then they don’t even believe in free speech, equality or democracy in the first place... so which is worse – the hypocrisy or the communist like silencing of opposing voices?

This stuff’s really really pissing me off at the mo.

Waiting for the backlash...

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