Wednesday, November 12

i want to blog about poo and hope but at the moment the following will have to do.....

hi everyone, as our blog is read in various different countries around the world i have offered the space to someone called mark - her is his post:

My name is Mark Burgess and I am club secretary for 3 of St Thomas' football
teams based in Sheffield, UK. We are christian based teams which have many
non Christians within the team and this is seen as a major form of outreach.
We are looking to organise a tour next year at Easter and wondered if anyone
could help. We are looking for beds for the lads and potentially wives and
(not for the lads - more the lads want to bring them along - bea), and importantly 2 or 3 teams to play against. We at this stage do
not know for definite how many people are interested but we would expect to
bring out two 11 a side teams, at least. If you can help in anyway please
feel free to email me at We are happy to play non
church teams but it is important that there is a strong Christian ethos in
our tour either through who we would hopefully be staying with and
hopefully at least one of the teams.

i'll blog about poo some other time - but for those who are interested, the man upstairs had me meditating on how poos and the pooing process is very much like confession.

the hope thing is cool too. i promise i will break the blogging silence but things have been hectic now i'm back at work.

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