Wednesday, November 12

radikooool - more "rantings" from brad!

been through pretty much everyone blog over there on the left - the bit i got all excited about was this (no offence everyone else - i'm in yet another dull lecture with nothing to do, again. i'm pretty low on enthusiasm at the mo. i think brads post just excited me in an escapism kinda way.):

"for instance, err ... umm ... okay! how about this as an illustration - a group of tribal disciple friends gets together to create a book, and everyone contributes ideas, photos and artwork, words and whatever, and helps out, and the input from everyone sort of weaves in and out of the entire creation process. so whose book is it? everyone's - but that's hardly the point. they did it along the way, while living life together, and the book was just another way to bring everyone together.

so, that kinda sounds a lot like regular ole teamwork, doesn't it? so what makes it different? it's a lot more egalitarian and integrative. it assumes everyone is welcome to play a role, that the 'product' of working together is life itself ('hey! look at the book we did - we had a great time doin' it!) rather than the concrete object produced. the process itself is the product, and the point is construction of relationships, not consumption of what a paid leader or a team produces. and the tribal version happens much more spontaneously than getting together the 'creative arts team' to plan a book, outline the book, collaborate on the book, publish the book, promote the book. heck, it's just gittin' it on to do a book cuz that's what living life together calls for at the moment. and yet, the book produced through the tribal paradigm may end up with a ministry of its own too, but that's more a side-product than the main thing.

go figure.


your thoughts?"

by brad

any thoughts - you can post them on the comments bit if you like.... i'm personally well up for this sort of stuff. i'd love to see this sort of thing happen - how feasible is it? can it be done? would it be a more magazine/ fanzine, or more of an annual so to speak? who cares - would be good to do - anyone got any ideas if we can do this? neill? "this is sheffield" autumn ed.

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