Monday, November 24

wardy fireball inverstigates...

have a read of this...

at last - there is someone willing and able to properly have a go at the anti-war stuff on the blogs. never thought it'd happen.

well, i mean matt p has said a few things, but for a very different approach, read mikes...

i'd probably say similar things, but i'm just getting bored and tired of bitching about things like the church etc - i just want to be a little more contented with the world i'm in.

i like sofa - i felt on the weekend, we as a cluster/ community were like one of the ships in the matrix like the nebudcadnezzar (sp?!) or logos, and whilst we had "a certain affinity for disobedience", we know we're part of the bigger picture, a larger body and we have our purpose to play in the big scheme of things....

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